How to feel safe and grounded within a system that is continuously trying to disconnect you from your truth


If last year taught me anything, it was the importance of cultivating a deep connection to self, to my energy, my truth and my own inner guidance. 

It didn’t take me long to realise that I couldn’t rely on external circumstances (especially global ones) to determine how grounded and safe I was feeling. 

It also didn’t take me long to realise that my truth was exactly that, MINE, it was not a universal truth (there is no such thing) and that many other people were experiencing the world through a whole different lens which meant discernment and integrity were something I was called to embody even deeper. 

I truly believe that when we have the tools to centre and ground our energy, when we know how to support and nourish ourselves and when we trust that innate connection to our own inner guidance, we are less likely to feel overwhelmed, frustrated, stuck in comparison or violently shaken by what’s going in the world.

If you imagine a beautiful wise old Kauri tree (Tāne Mahuta is coming to mind, Arlo and I connected with the incredible energy of this forest elder last year and it was a beautiful experience, highly recommend) and visualise what’s below the earth, the roots, deeply buried in the earth, down deep and out wide. The roots are what gives the tree strength, safety and support. The roots are needed so the tree can continue to grow taller, more radiant, more powerful and be more of itself. 

And we are the same. Although we don’t have physical roots like the forest guardians, we do have energetic roots. These roots are what support us to feel the same way, strong, safe, supported and grounded. 

There is no denying that external factors can support us to feel this way (hello McDreamy, chiro and coach). But my wish is that we build a strong foundation internally first and then when we can support ourselves to feel grounded, that’s when we add to our support team, and solidify, deepen and widen our roots even more. 

I’ve chosen 5 tools, practices and tips to share with you to deepen and widen your own energetic roots that when embodied will support you to feel safe and grounded within yourself, your body and your energy 

Five grounding roots to support yourself to feel safe and grounded regardless of what’s going on in the world

  1. Nourish and love your human vessel

Fuel your body with food that makes you feel ALIVE and enables you to THRIVE. Prioritise sleep, maybe 8 hours is what your body needs, maybe more, maybe less. Move your body in a way that feels good. Love your body, share gratitude with your physical body everyday, I like to do this after the shower while I’m moisturising and massaging from head to toe. On that note, check in with what toxins you are putting on and around your physical body, still using toxic perfume on your skin? I invite you to do some research on that. These are the basics and if you’re not prioritising them first and foremost, I’m not surprised you’re not feeling grounded or safe. Nourish your physical body, your body, human vessel, is the container for everything else - and this is the only one we get this lifetime, so look after it. 

2. Know your vision and what you’re co-creating with the universe 

When we are clear on what our dreams and intentions are, what it is we are choosing to create and bring to life, it supports us to stay focused and content within ourselves and our own lives. It’s only when we don’t know what we’re up to, that we get caught up looking at what other people are doing, we get pulled into other people’s energy and projections and feel a little bit off balance. I do two things that support me to stay anchored in my vision. 

#1 is writing a vision (also known as a script) for the year ahead, where I write about all the different areas in my life in present tense how I desire them to be feeling by the end of the year and what I’ve created throughout the year as if it’s already happened. A great way to start this is “It is December 31st 2021 and I am feeling…” 

#2 is bringing these visions to life through different sensory anchors, let’s start with the visual anchor of a vision board. I create a physical one that I have in my office and connect my energy to every morning as part of my morning practices. I also have a digital vision board as the background on my phone and my laptop. Reminders of what I am choosing to create this year and roots that hold me securely in my vision and my values. 

3. Know what your energy is telling you 

Simply start with a daily practice of checking in with your energy, placing your hand on your heart, taking a couple of deep breaths and asking the question, what do I need to support my energy today? And see what comes through. Knowing your energy takes practice and devotion the longer you commit to tuning in the more trust you develop between self, your body and your energy. Understanding your menstrual cycle and the different inner seasons for those women who bleed is a gamechanger in knowing your energy, as is knowing the moon phases and lunar cycle and how they impact us. Learning about your human design, gene keys, astrology and all of those grand modalities are a great way to deepen your understanding of your own energy patterns - but at the end of the day you already have all of the answers inside of you, so check in. 

4. Mother nature’s grounding magic

Mother nature is my not so secret cure for everything, whether you spend 5 seconds with her or 5 hours, she holds the power to ground your energy with one simple intention. Earth is the grounding element itself, connecting in any way shape or form will support you to ground your energy, feel safe and feel supported by Mumma Nature's beautiful and generous embrace. Daily connection with mother nature is a non-negotiable for me, this may be something as simple as starting my morning with my barefeet on the earth and sending gratitude to Gaia for her blessings she shares everyday, or it may be an ocean swim, or a nature walk, or using earthy essential oils on my feet and root chakra to support energetic grounding. Choose something that resonates with you, and commit to a daily connection with Mumma N.

5. Daily grounding practices that create space in your body, in your energy and within yourself 

A daily journaling practice for me is incredibly grounding, as it validates how I’m feeling and allows me to explore my energy by putting pen to paper. This could be a simple heart dump, writing down everything that is in your heart, in your mind, in your field, instantly creating space within your energy and your body. Meditation for me, creates space in my mind and supports my energy to move down and through my body, I love guided meditations and have saved heaps of favourites on the best free meditation app, Insight Timer. Dance parties throughout my day keep my energy moving through my body, keeping me in flow and being open to receiving abundance from the universe. I also do a daily energy clearing practice that cleanses my aura, sends any energy to be transmuted back to mumma earth that is no longer serving me and connects me to my guides and higher self for the day ahead. 

To tie all of these together, I invite you to create a little grounding checklist that you can move through most days, that is unique to you and feels nourishing and supportive. Keep it on the fridge, by your bed, somewhere you will see it throughout the day and remind yourself of how each practice on your to do list, is one of many grounding roots that are keeping you feeling safe, supported and grounded within yourself. 

For further support, guidance, and magic, I invite you to join The Soul Room!

The Soul Room is a magical space shared by women who are being nudged towards reconnecting with themselves to ground their energy and let their inner guidance shine through. This 3-month journey will support you to dive deeper within yourself, helping you to find the magic of freedom and alignment that you desire.

Are you ready to find your inner truth? Check out all the details over at The Soul Room.


Bridget Paddon