How to feel safe and grounded within a system that is continuously trying to disconnect you from your truth

If last year taught me anything, it was the importance of cultivating a deep connection to self, to my energy, my truth and my own inner guidance.

It didn’t take me long to realise that I couldn’t rely on external circumstances (especially global ones) to determine how grounded and safe I was feeling.

It also didn’t take me long to realise that my truth was exactly that, MINE, it was not a universal truth (there is no such thing) and that many other people were experiencing the world through a whole different lens which meant discernment and integrity were something I was called to embody even deeper.

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Bridget Paddon
8 Spiritual Books for Beginners

A question I get asked all the time is where do I start on my spiritual journey and what books are the best spiritual books to read? So my friends, my soul fam, I have crafted out my top 8 best spiritual books for beginners. I love reading books, physical books that you can hold in your hands, that you can smell the crisp pages, listen to the turning of the page, and feel like you’re hanging out with an old friend.

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Bridget Paddon
How to have a cacao ceremony at home

A cacao ceremony is a beautiful way to bring your awareness inwards, allowing yourself to feel and receive exactly what you need at that particular moment, opening your heart fully with the support of the sacred plant medicine, cacao. I believe when we consciously choose our intention behind everything we do, it transforms the way we experience life.

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Bridget Paddon Comments

If you have read part one of my blog series about coming off the pill you’ll know how much of a negative impact it can have on our holistic health. (If you haven’t read it, go check it out now before you continue with part two ) I’m sure you’re wondering, what happens when you take that leap to go cold turkey off the pill and when you stop swallowing these mini tablets of artificial hormones.

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Bridget Paddon

December 2016 I made the choice to stop taking the contraceptive pill. I think at that point I was on one called Ginet. How good are the names though.. Estelle, Ava, Yasmin. They definitely sound like babes that you want to have in your squad. I can assure you, you don’t. They’re the type of friends that like to make you think they have your back.

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Bridget Paddon
Is it your truth or their truth? Reconnect to your truth and learn to discern

It’s okay you just forgot who you are, welcome back. Welcome back, welcome back, welcome baccccckk. What a wild ride it’s been over the past 4 weeks, and I’m sure not just for myself but for so many others out there, and you reading this, you bloody stunner! Thanks for checking in and catching up on what’s been going on in my inner and outer world for the last 2 weeks. While I’ve been MIA on social media, I’ve been fully reconnecting with my own truth.

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Why I cancelled my group coaching program 5 days before it was due to start

Today was meant to be the first day of Illuminate 2.0, but I decided to call it off instead. This has come as a surprise to many and maybe to you too. I’ve heard actual gasps “Ohhoohhh”’ of complete shock from friends I’ve told, who have had no idea how to respond, or I’ve had the occasional “OMG is everything okay, WTF is going on in your world” and the “OMG, YOU WHAT??”

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Bridget PaddonComment
How you can help heal collective humanity and mother earth: The Australian Bushfires and beyond

I woke up in the middle of the night last night with a strong message coming through THAT I NEED TO TAKE ACTION and use my voice to support the healing work in response to the Australia Bush Fires. I have been scrolling through social media, feeling helpless and powerless, with the desire to help but feeling overwhelmed with the how, the who and the what, resulting in a serious case of inaction and low vibrations. Along with that, the doubting voice of “Can I, me, Bids, even make a difference with one donation or one IG post?” I’m sure many of you have been feeling the same, feeling the call to step up, but not knowing the first step to take.

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Bridget PaddonComment
Why I turned down an all flights and expenses paid trip to Fiji and how it supercharged my self worth

Last week I was approached by a company running a retreat in Fiji. They were looking for a life coach to run workshops over the course of the retreat and had been recommended me. Their mission was to give their clients the opportunity to dive deep into their limiting beliefs and make some epic breakthroughs with me, all while living it up in paradise.

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2018 Reflection. Thank u, next.

In 2018 I spent a whole lot of energy on things I couldn’t control and was reminded to focus on what I could control, me! I grew in ways that I hadn’t set out to explore. For a brief period of time I fell out of alignment with who I am and how I wanted to be living. There were a whole lot of tears and a whole lot of frustration, disappointment and questions.

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