How to get out of the comparison trap and reconnect to self


You’ve been triggered AF lately right? By friends, family, colleagues, social media, people doing something similar to you? Right? Like who do they think they are? Why are they copying me? Why am I not doing that? Why is it so easy for them? Is this you?

The collective feminine energy has been experiencing strong feelings of comparison, competition and mistrust of the feminine lately, on an entirely new level. So beautiful soul, know that you are not alone in what you have been feeling. I’m hoping this piece of writing will shine a light on the elephant in the room, that elephant being Ganesh. Ganesh is the Hindu god who shares protection and power with us all, clearing the path ahead of potential difficulties. Keep reading to find out how to remove yourself from the comparison trap and step into your own power. 

Old wounds and shadows are resurfacing to be felt and released, ancestral and past life trauma when our sisters turned us in and we were burned and tortured for sharing our gifts with the world, childhood wounds of primary school friends dimming your light, parent’s telling you not to do something that brought you joy, societal conditioning trying to fit you in a box, to silence you, to conform and recent friendships falling away, from fear, mistrust and no longer being in alignment. 

As well as that, we are all being asked to show up, step up and reconnect to our truth more than ever before. Mother earth is calling us to tap into our own gifts and share our light with so much fn conviction so we can all be part of the collective healing of humanity and the planet. This means many of the people in your life will be stepping up beyond where they’ve been before, they’re answering the call, their radiant energy is contagious and they’re flowing through life with this newfound purpose and energy. This is going to trigger many. 

Get honest with yourself, which energy are you embodying right now, are you the trigger or the triggered? Maybe both? 

Imagine if Beyonce was like "I'm not going to sing because Celine Dion is really good at singing" You not fully showing up and doing what you love because someone else is good at it is just as crazy. There is room for everyone and the world needs your light, your magic, now more than ever.

To move through this collective energy, you have to take ownership for how you’re feeling and be committed to doing the inner work - or this energy is going to linger. 

First things first, get crystal clear on wounds, trauma and energy from the past that is leaving you feeling stuck and held back in the present. Start with these three questions and see what comes up...

  • Where have friends, women, females close to me showed up in a way that has influenced me to dim my light, to hide, to not show up fully from fear? 

  • In my female relationships throughout my life, where has my trust been broken? 

  • Where have I shown up in past relationships with females where I have dimmed their light, put them down and broken their trust?

You get to choose what you do with these words on your paper. The intention of releasing it knowing it no longer serves you may be all you need. You may feel inspired to write a letter to a specific person about what you had been holding onto and how it impacted you, and then burn it in during a full moon ceremony. The act of acknowledging it, bringing it to the surface can be enough to begin to dissolve it. Or you might like to go another layer deeper with an energy healer, reiki, an emotion code or body talk session, breathwork, something that is going to supercharge the release. Honour yourself for diving into places you may not have been brave enough to go before and start feeling the shifts start to come through. 

Secondly, if you’re feeling triggered by others stepping into their light and fully showing up in their power this is a MASSIVE WAKE UP CALL FOR YOU to be doing the same!!! It’s like the universe, your light council and guides are shouting, with love, SHOW UP MORE, STEP UP MORE, SHINE BRIGHTER!

When we’re feeling triggered by others living their truth, it’s a direct reflection that we’re not fully embodying our own truth, living in alignment with our values or fully connected with self. BUT how incredible is it, when we can witness our responses to the external world and consciously use them as signposts on our journey to where our soul is calling us to go next. 

So where is your soul calling you to go next? What is your truth? What is your light? And how do you step into it fully? 

This is when you have to commit to investing time and energy into exploring parts of yourself you haven’t created space for before. Self-inquiry, presence with self, feeling into the light within that has been turned off time and time again by yourself and others. You have to create space to find these answers within yourself.

To get you started, journal on these questions below and see what comes through. Connect with your heart and your feeling body, looking outside of your logical mind - I like to create a space that activates this, somewhere quiet where I will be undisturbed, crystals, candle, essential oils, cacao, pen to paper. You might even like to do a guided meditation before you begin to really open to receiving the downloads that are waiting to come through. 

  • Which parts of you do you desire to reconnect with?

  • What are your heart and soul calling you to be doing or being more of in your life? 

  • What’s that one thing that has been on your heart forever but you have never made the time or felt like you could do it?

  • What do you want to learn more about? 

  • What is your soul calling you to create in 2020?

I invite you to look at who has been triggering the comparison and competitive thoughts within yourself and what they are doing that triggers these thoughts to pop into your head. There are more clues here on what your soul is calling you to do and how you can step into your power today.

Are they…

  • Showing up fully online with videos and heartfelt content on social media

  • Exploring nature every weekend and ticking off a new hike every other week

  • Living in complete integrity with their values and who they are

  • Is their energy infectious, are they having tonnes of fun and radiating joy every day 

  • Fully connected to their intuition and their spirituality

  • Or something else?

After answering these questions you will have pages of answers from your soul, many aha moments and will be feeling more connected to self and your truth. Are you feeling empowered already?

The final step, commit to one small aligned action to begin to embody your truth, start bringing it to life and fully step into your power!!! When you are living in your truth, you won’t even notice anyone else on your radar, because you’re so connected to self, to your vision and to what lights you up. And then YOU will be the one empowering others to find their own light and step into their power. HOW GOOD DOES THAT FEEL!! (I WOULD LOVE TO KNOW WHAT THE SMALL ALIGNED ACTION IS THAT YOU ARE COMMITTED TO TAKING, leave a comment on this blog post with your action step, comment on my latest post on social media, or send me an email - I would love to hear from you!) 

With my guidance and the support from Ganesh, our elephant in the room, you are now equipped to clear your path of comparison and competition, releasing what is no longer serving you, to then FULLY SHOW UP AS THE BEAUTIFUL AND POWERFUL GODDESS THAT YOU ARE AND SPREAD YOUR MAGIC AROUND THE WORLD. 

Ultimately, no matter who we are and what we do, we are all here to live a life that feels fn good for us and by doing so contribute to the collective healing of humanity and planet earth. We are all on the same mission, and the world needs everyone to step into their light. Come back to this when you feel yourself comparing, judging or competing with other women. The time is now. You get to choose, you get to shift the paradigm, you get to shine your light. 

Love Bids xx 

Looking for guidance and support in a safe and empowering container to reconnect to self and step into your power? Check out my sell out online 8 week group coaching experience, Illuminate 2.0 which has been crafted with one purpose, to empower you to step into your light, check it out here we being March 2nd 2020

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