Is it your truth or their truth? Reconnect to your truth and learn to discern


It’s okay you just forgot who you are, welcome back.

Welcome back, welcome back, welcome baccccckk.

What a wild ride it’s been over the past 4 weeks, and I’m sure not just for myself but for so many others out there, and you reading this, you bloody stunner! Thanks for checking in and catching up on what’s been going on in my inner and outer world for the last 2 weeks. While I’ve been MIA on social media, I’ve been fully reconnecting with my own truth. 

I’ve had many magical nuggets of wisdom come through while I’ve been offline, I gently urge you right now, if you’re feeling lost AF, stuck or disconnected from self, to commit to a detox from social media for two weeks or more. I am feeling more connected to my truth than ever before and it is fucking exciting! 

While I sip away on my cacao, I’m struggling to think of how I’m going to fit everything into one piece of writing so I’ll just let it all flow and see where we end up! Get comfy, grab a pen and paper to take away some magical nuggets for yourself and open up your heart space. 

I originally disconnected from social media for just one weekend, that was the plan. I wasn’t feeling great physically or mentally. I had had enough of everything on social media being about the virus, and had had enough of seeing every leader on the planet claiming that now is the time to step up and shine your light brighter, because fn hell, I don’t know about you, but that was the last thing I felt like doing. During the weekend I had a big release to Arlo about how I was feeling about being in lockdown - for some reason up until that point I thought I had some magic superpowers that made me immune to it impacting me at all but deep down I was fucking angry with the system, I was missing time in Mother Nature deeply and felt like my freedom had been handcuffed and locked up in a padded cell. Disconnecting from social media for the weekend felt like a breath of fresh air. It was just me, my thoughts, my feelings, my energy and my truth. It felt like I could breathe again, so I decided against jumping back on IG that following Monday and kept my MIA status going until it felt GOOD FOR ME to come back on. 

The first magical nugget of truth that dropped in for me while I was fully present in my offline reality was (write this one down if it makes your heart flutter and your skin tingle)

I am here on this planet right now first and foremost for me, for my own experience and my own fulfilment and then, secondly, I am here to support others in their experience on this planet right now and their fulfilment. (Not the other way round) 

Read it again.

This might sound obvious to some of you and not so obvious to others. I know if you’re a coach, a healer, business owner,  you may just be reading this right now, possibly thinking holy fn shit balls. 

When and why did we start putting serving others before serving ourselves?

I must admit, I did think I had been doing this. I had been honouring myself, had strong boundaries around my work, took time out of my day just for me, ticking the boxes for what I thought this should look like. BUT I hadn’t been fully EMBODYING THIS or owning it as my truth. 80% of my life was and has been for quite some time, tangled up in my business, and when this hum dinger came through I was like fuuuuuuucckkk, this isn’t my truth anymore, has it ever been, how did it weave it’s way in here? Time to break the cycle and rewrite the story. 

In my sparkly eyeballs I see that MANY of us have had this backwards for quite some time and I believe it’s happening because we are being massively conditioned by what we absorb online, especially in the health/wellness/coaching/healing online space. There is so much pressure to share our light with others, to step up, to create for others, to guide and support others, to use our gifts for others, to find our purpose for others, to be of service to others that we forget about what we want, what we desire, what our truth is and how to be of service to self. That’s another reason I kept off social media for longer than I planned, because there were and still are so many leader’s projecting their truth onto you via their platforms, without holding space for you to question if it’s your truth too. 

Being offline has been POTENT and POWERFUL because it’s created space for me, to fully reconnect with myself and my own truth. Not consciously or subconsciously buying into, or applying someone else’s truth to my life, but beginning to recognise what I desire, what feels good for me, what I want my days to be filled with for my soul and my human vessel and then secondly how I want to run my business.  I have been in my own bubble of me, my alignment, my values, my desires and it’s also made it so much easier to connect deeper within meditation, channeling and connecting with my light council.

So what did I do to reconnect to my truth? 

  1. Stopped absorbing other people’s truth, this went as far as tapping out of any courses I was enrolled in temporarily, rescheduling any sessions with my current coach and healer, minimal conversations with friends and disconnecting from social media. 

  1. I sat down with colourful pens and my brainstorming scrapbook, cacao in hand, Nami by my side and brainstormed up a vision on how I want my life to look and feel, and I didn’t include my business in it at all!! My soul felt giddy, like WOAH WHAT we get to create a vision of all the things that LIGHT US UP, solely for us and our experience!!! YES SIR! Then I spent two days, finding images on Pinterest (I now have like 20+ boards on pinterest, new addiction) that represent the words written in my vision, printing them off and bringing them together so I could bring it to life and align my energy with it as a vision board. It felt so spacious, aligned, it felt like freedom, and it felt like home. 

If your inner guidance is going OFF right now, like DING DING DING Bids you’re speaking to my soul but you’re also wondering okay well I don’t have days or weeks to reconnect with my truth right now, where do I start? 

One thing you can do straight away, is bring awareness to what you’re consuming on social media and via the people around you, before you fully absorb it into your psyche and your cells, simply ask yourself one of these questions with discernment but without judgement.

  • “Is this my truth too?”

  • “Who’s truth is this?”

  • “Is this something that just sounds good, or something that I deeply resonate with and is part of my truth?” 

  • “How does this sit within my own truth?”

  • “How does this feel in my body and is it true for me?”

These self inquiry questions can be applied to ANYTHING you are consuming (but don’t have to be applied to everything). Bringing awareness, discernment and questioning into what you are allowing into your life will support you to stay centred in your own energy and your own truth. 

I think that’s the one and only magical nugget needed for today beautiful humans. I am FULLY lit up, from the inside out, to be back in the online space, sharing more of my own truth and bringing that into my work that I get to share with you.

Thank you for being here <3 So much love for you and to you, Bids x 

If this resonated on a soul level with you, drop a comment below here on my website, send me an email, or share some love on Instagram. It is all deeply appreciated and felt.